Call me Nita.
I’ve always been a writer, since the day I “wrote” and illustrated my first story on sheets of construction paper and bound it together with yarn. I lived and breathed books (hardcover were my favorite), spent hours at the piano (playing any and every genre), and thought there was nothing as exciting as letting my horse run as fast as she wanted through an open field (my apologies to every surrounding farmer who had to put up with me).
Then I grew up. At least a little bit.
I still love those things. I haven’t finished a novel in a while, and I’m not published yet. I taught piano for a while, found my true love in traditional midwifery, then sold my horse to move 300 miles from home and marry a cute farmer who not only puts up with my nonsense and dreams but actually encourages them.
Being a wife is new. Hectic at times, usually because I am distracted by some thrift store find and burnt dinner, or because running out to the farm to watch my husband work sounds a lot more fun than doing the laundry.
Being a wife is a part of me I didn’t know was missing, and now that I have it, I can’t imagine life any other way.
So here I am, blogging away in a world of Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat users, because I want to remember all the little thoughts and stories, recipes and life hacks that I stumble upon.
And because blogging sounds a lot more fun than doing the laundry.